FLORIDA Business Opportunities, Inc.
3800 S. Tamiami Trail
3800 S. Tamiami Trail
Suite #325
Sarasota, FL 34239 USA
Phone: 941-366-1500
Fax: 941-366-5158
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Businesses For Sale
- About Our Company and Services
- Selling A Business
- When is the best time to sell?
The decision to sell a business is often a difficult one because of the profound personal and financial impact.
There are many influences which bring business owners to this decision, including:
- Worrisome exposure to business risks often aggravated by personal guarantee
on loans.
- Possible failure of the business if one or more owners become seriously
ill or disabled.
- Personal preference of the owners to retire.
- Divorce or dissolution of partnership.
- Owner's desire to pursue other business interests which may be more
challenging or less stressful.
- Lack of sufficient working capital.
- A need within the company for new skills, new resources, or a new philosophy to cope with ever changing economic forces, government regulations, and competition. These valid reasons, and other reasons for considering a sale, do not imply failure or willingness by the owner to accept less than a fair price for the business.
A business enterprise, like any asset, is worth what a buyer is willing to pay.
Buyers ask countless questions, but they are primarily concerned with a fair return on their total investment. In addition, prospective buyers make many judgments about market position, proprietary know-how, competitive strengths, quality of the assets, growth potential, and risks of the business.
To accurately determine the true worth of a business, the company's accounting reports, prepared primarily for tax purposes, must be restated to reflect the true financial performance of the business.
FLA Business Brokers help the business owner determine the true value of the business and, most importantly, can help prospective buyers understand the reasons for such value, which allows a transaction to be structured for the maximum benefit of buyer and seller.
Sound working relations with employees, customers, suppliers, and bankers are important factors to a company. Any premature indication of a possible change in ownership could disrupt these relations and weaken the company's competitive position. For these reasons, and many others, confidentiality is critically important at all stages. With the proper procedures, it is possible to minimize the risk of an untimely disclosure.
In every transaction, there is an appropriate time to reveal that a sale may be imminent. Proper timing of these sensitive announcements can contribute to a smooth transaction and reinforce the buyer's willingness to proceed to a closing.
FLABB helps to ensure that information is kept confidential throughout the entire selling process until it is appropriate to reveal that a sale is forthcoming.
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